Published June 2014 | Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

Synthesis and Characterization of Plasmonic Resonant Guided Wave Networks

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Composed of optical waveguides and power-splitting waveguide junctions in a network layout, resonant guided wave networks (RGWNs) split an incident wave into partial waves that resonantly interact within the network. Resonant guided wave networks have been proposed as nanoscale distributed optical networks (Feigenbaum and Atwater, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010, 104, 147402) that can function as resonators and color routers (Feigenbaum et al. Opt. Express 2010, 18, 25584–25595). Here we experimentally characterize a plasmonic resonant guided wave network by demonstrating that a 90° waveguide junction of two v-groove channel plasmon polariton (CPP) waveguides operates as a compact power-splitting element. Combining these plasmonic power splitters with CPP waveguides in a network layout, we characterize a prototype plasmonic nanocircuit composed of four v-groove waveguides in an evenly spaced 2 × 2 configuration, which functions as a simple, compact optical logic device at telecommunication wavelengths, routing different wavelengths to separate transmission ports due to the resulting network resonances. The resonant guided wave network exhibits the full permutation of Boolean on/off values at two output ports and can be extended to an eight-port configuration, unlike other photonic crystal and plasmonic add/drop filters, in which only two on/off states are accessible.

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© 2014 American Chemical Society. Received: February 24, 2014; Revised: May 15, 2014. Publication Date (Web): May 20, 2014. The authors thank Arian Kriesch and Ulf Peschel for inspiring discussions. This work was supported by the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Grant (Air Force Office of Scientific Research, FA9550-12-1-0024). H. W. Lee acknowledges by the Croucher Foundation of Hong Kong; S. P. Burgos acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation. We acknowledge the use of facilities of the Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI) at Caltech.

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