Published June 15, 1978 | Submitted
Technical Report Open

Centrifuge Studies of Cyclic Lateral Load-Displacement Behavior of Single Piles

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In the period following the completion of the previous report of December 1977 and the end of the contract on OSAPR Project 8 with California Institute of Technology, additional pile loading tests were conducted. Two different test series were followed through: additional load-unload cyclic tests again in simulation of the Mustang Island (MI) tests and pile vibration tests. The reasons for the first series were: (a) the model pile dimensions originally chosen for the Mustang Island simulation did not correctly represent either the El of the prototype pile, nor its width; and (b) it was desired to perform the tests in a soil more closely resembling the fine-grained MI sand, at higher relative densities than had been achieved in the earlier tests. It is worth pointing out here that it is not easy to produce a model pile with the correctly scaled EI, since, although the dimensions can be correctly calculated, they are based on an assumed E for the material which may be slightly different in the metal actually machined, and the strain gauges, leads and moisture-protection coating employed increase the EI in the final product. A further deficiency of the first test pile was that, although the model pile had been instrumented with 5 strain gauges, they had been installed in locations and at intervals that proved inconvenient in the actual centrifuge tests. Only three gauges could be positioned below ground surface. On the model pile whose use is described here, 6 strain gauges were bonded, closer together near the top, at sites such that all six gauges were at or below the soil surface. As will be seen later, this enabled much better curves of moment in the pile as a function of depth to be plotted.

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Report Through May 30, 1978 Research Program for American Petroleum Institute OSAPR Project 8. The tests and instrumentation were set up and operated by Caltech research engineer John Lee, who also contributed the instrumentation section of this report. John Lee digitized the test results. Michael Craig assisted in the preparation of the computer plots. The author would like to acknowledge again the support and cooperation of the API OSAPR advisory committee. Carol Snyder typed this report.

Attached Files

Submitted - Centrifuge_Studies_of_Cyclic_Lateral_Load_Displacement_Behavior_of_Single_Piles_-_June_15,_1978.pdf



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January 30, 2025