Published June 2013 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Parylene origami structure for intraocular implantation

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This paper presents the use of origami technique to construct a 3D spherical structure from a 2D parylene-C (PA-C) film with designed folding crease patterns. This origami technique is developed or intended for intraocular epiretinal implant application, which requires a "curved" electrode array to match the curvature of the macula. The folding method and process are described here using silicone oil as a temporary glue to hold the folded structures through meniscus force. The temporary origami is then thermally set into permanent 3D shapes at 100 °C for 30 minutes in vacuum utilizing parylene-C's viscoelastic properties. The reported origami technique enables the possibility of first making an extended device in 2D format and, after a possible minimal surgical cut and insertion, then folding it into a 3D device inside the eye for necessary geometric matching with host tissues.

Additional Information

© 2013 IEEE. The authors would like to thank all the group members in the Caltech MEMS and Micromachining lab for help and discussion. We thank Mr. Trevor Roper especially for his guidance and maintenance on equipment in the lab. We also thank Lee L. Wilson from Dr. Sergio's group and Matthew Loh from Dr. Azita's group.

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August 19, 2023
October 26, 2023