Published June 1, 1992 | public
Journal Article

A Bevalac Calibration of a Scintillating Optical Fiber Hodoscope

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As part of instrument definition activities for the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) we have evaluated a hodoscope comprised of scintillating fibers for possible use in the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS). The hodoscope would determine the trajectories of individual cosmic ray nuclei with 3 ⩽ Z ⩽ 40 and energies up to several hundred MeV/n which stop in four silicon solid state telescopes. We report on the analysis of data from a December 1990 Bevalac calibration of a CRIS test model in which the hodoscope consisted of 200 μm, square cross section, scintillating fibers, and which used silicon detectors for dE/dx - E_(Tot) measurements. The positional resolution obtained with the fiber hodoscope was ∼ 60 μmfor iron nuclei at angles from 0–30° with respect to the normal to the fiber planes. The detection efficiency for iron and silicon nuclei was determined to be > 99% for beam angles of ⩾ 20°.

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Copyright © 1992 Elsevier. Received 12 December 1991. This experiment would not have been possible without the important contributions of P. F. Dowkontt and J. W. Epstein in the instrument development for this work. We also thank A. J. Davis and M. S. Westphall for their participation in the Bevalac calibration. In addition we wish to thank the staff of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Bevalac facilty, especially H. J. Crwaford, J. M. Engelage, L. C. Greiner and I. Flores for their help during our calibration. This work was supported in part by NASA grant NA55-31459.

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