Published July 4, 1986 | public
Journal Article

Energetic Charged Particles in the Uranian Magnetosphere

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During the encounter with Uranus, the cosmic ray system on Voyager 2 measured significant fluxes of energetic electrons and protons in the regions of the planet's magnetosphere where these particles could be stably trapped. The radial distribution of electrons with energies of megaelectron volts is strongly modulated by the sweeping effects of the three major inner satellites Miranda, Ariel, and Umbriel. The phase space density gradient of these electrons indicates that they are diffusing radially inward from a source in the outer magnetosphere or magnetotail. Differences in the energy spectra of protons having energies of approximately 1 to 8 megaelectron volts from two different directions indicate a strong dependence on pitch angle. From the locations of the absorption signatures observed in the electron flux, a centered dipole model for the magnetic field of Uranus with a tilt of 60.1 degrees has been derived, and a rotation period of the planet of 17.4 hours has also been calculated. This model provides independent confirmation of more precise determinations made by other Voyager experiments.

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© 1986 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Received 31 March 1986; accepted 5 May 1986. We thank R. E. Vogt for his contributions during his tenure as principal investigator for the CRS system on Voyager 2; we are also indebted to the late A. W. Schardt, whose contributions to the analysis of the CRS data at Jupiter and Saturn were an important factor in our understanding of the Uranian magnetosphere. We thank the Voyager project members and the enthusiastic staff of our laboratories at Caltech and Goddard Space Flight Center for their excellent support; special thanks go to P. Schuster, T. Garrard, R. Burrell, L. Thomas, and O. Divers. Supported by NASA under contracts NAS7-918 and NGR 05-002-160. D.L.C. was supported in part by the Aerospace Corporation's sponsored research program.

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