Published January 2014 | public
Journal Article

Terahertz Pioneer: Shenggang Liu - "China's Father of Vacuum and Microwave Electronics"

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Professor and President Shenggang Liu came into the world as the last of 11 children on December 26th, 1933 in Feidong, a part of Hefei city, approximately 100 km west of Nanjing. Since December 26th was already an auspicious birth-date claimed by the late Mao Zedong, an alternate birthday was considered to be politically more acceptable. December 25th was also taken by a well known historical figure—and who wants to celebrate a birthday on Christmas anyway—so December 21st became Shenggang Liu's birthdate of record.

Additional Information

© 2014 IEEE. Manuscript received December 06, 2013; accepted December 09, 2013. Date of publication January 13, 2014; date of current version January 17, 2014. The author would like to thank Isabelle You for her excellent translation skills and C. Liu, Professor Liu's oldest son, for help in arranging the interview. He also would like to acknowledge the help of Professor R. Temkin of MIT for some useful references and discussions on the importance of Shenggang Liu's work to the gyrotron community.

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August 19, 2023
October 25, 2023