Published January 29, 1982 | public
Journal Article

Energetic Charged Particles in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Voyager 2 Results

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Results from the cosmic-ray system on Voyager 2 in Saturn's magnetosphere are presented. During the inbound pass through the outer magnetosphere, the ≥ 0.43-million-electron-volt proton flux was more intense, and both the proton and electron fluxes were more variable, than previously observed. These changes are attributed to the influence on the magnetosphere of variations in the solar wind conditions. Outbound, beyond 18 Saturn radii, impulsive bursts of 0.14- to > 1.0- million-electron-volt electrons were observed. In the inner magnetosphere, the charged particle absorption signatures of Mimas, Enceladus, and Tethys are used to constrain the possible tilt and offset of Saturn's internal magnetic dipole. At ∼ 3 Saturn radii, a transient decrease was observed in the electron flux which was not due to Mimas. Characteristics of this decrease suggest the existence of additional material, perhaps another satellite, in the orbit of Mimas.

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© 1982 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Received for publication 10 November 1981. We thank the Voyager project members and the enthusiastic staff of our laboratories at Caltech and Goddard Space Flight Center for their splendid support. Special thanks go to W. Althouse, M. Fernandez, R. Kelly, and I. Matus (Caltech), W. Davis. H. Domchick, and D. Stillwell (Goddard), and 0. Divers, E. Franzgrote, and R. Parker (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Supported by NASA under NAS7-100 and NGR 05-002-160.

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