Published March 6, 2013 | public

An MQ/Code Cyptosystem Proposal

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We describe a new trap-door (and PKC) proposal. The proposal is ``multivariate quadratic'' (relies on the hardness of solving systems of quadratic equations); it is also code-based, and uses the code-scrambling technique of McEliece (1978). However, in the new proposal, the error-correcting code is not revealed in the public key, which protects against the leading attacks on McEliece's method.

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Received March 6, 2013. Thanks to the organizers of post-quantum cryptography workshops at Dagstuhl and the Lorentz Center for creating stimulating environments in which some of these ideas were developed. I am grateful to the participants of those meetings, in particular Enrico Thomae, for comments. Thanks also to Alex Vardy, Madhu Sudan, Venkat Guruswami and Zvika Brakerski for helpful discussions

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August 19, 2023
January 13, 2024