Published June 19, 1987 | public
Journal Article

Precise Timing of the Last Interglacial Period from Mass Spectrometric Determination of Thorium-230 in Corals

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The development of mass spectrometric techniques for determination of ^(230)Th abundance has made it possible to reduce analytical errors in ^(238)U-^(234)U-^(230)Th dating of corals even with very small samples. Samples of 6 x 10^8 atoms of ^(230)Th can be measured to an accuracy of ±3 percent (2σ) and 3 x 10^(10) atoms of ^(230)Th can be measured to an accuracy of ±0.2 percent. The time range over which useful age data on corals can be obtained now ranges from about 50 to about 500,000 years. For young corals, this approach may be preferable to ^(14)C dating. The precision with which the age of a coral can now be determined should make it possible to critically test the Milankovitch hypothesis concerning Pleistocene climate fluctuations. Analyses of a number of corals that grew during the last interglacial period yield ages of 122,000 to 130,000 years. The ages coincide with, or slightly postdate, the summer solar insolation high at 65°N latitude which occurred 128,000 years ago. This supports the idea that changes in Pleistocene climate can be the result of variations in the distribution of solar insolation caused by changes in the geometry of the earth's orbit and rotation axis.

Additional Information

© 1987 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Received for publication 12 December 1986. Accepted for publication 13 April 1987. We have benefited from the advice of and discussions with A. L. Bloom, F. W. Taylor, W. S. Broecker, R. K. Matthews, K. K. Turekian, and P. Aharon. We thank R. K. Matthews for the Barbados samples, A. L. Bloom for the older Vanuatu samples, F. W. Taylor for the younger Vanuatu and Hispaniola samples, P. Aharon for the giant clam sample, J. M. Edmond for suggestive discussions, and D. A. Papanastassiou for advice and support. Supported by the California Institute of Technology and NASA grant NAG 9-43 for equipment. The α-counting work was supported by NSF grant ATM-8514472 to T.-L.K. Division Contribution No. 4429 (564). This study was carried out at the Lunatic Asylum of the Charles Arms Laboratory.

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