Published June 2009 | public
Journal Article

A continuum model for initiation and evolution of deformation twinning

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Within continuum dislocation theory the plastic deformation of a single crystal with one active slip system under plane-strain constrained shear is investigated. By introducing a twinning shear into the energy of the crystal, we show that in a certain range of straining the formation of deformation twins becomes energetically preferable. An energetic threshold for the onset of twinning is determined. A rough analysis qualitatively describes not only the evolving volume fractions of twins but also their number during straining. Finally, we analyze the evolution of deformation twins and of the dislocation network at non-zero dissipation. We present the corresponding stress–strain hysteresis, the evolution of the plastic distortion, the twin volume fractions and the dislocation densities.

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© 2009 Elsevier. Received 18 July 2008. Revised 3 March 2009. Accepted 5 March 2009. Available online 13 March 2009.

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August 21, 2023
October 24, 2023