Measurement of the Electronic Thermal Conductance Channels and Heat Capacity of Graphene at Low Temperature
The ability to transport energy is a fundamental property of the two-dimensional Dirac fermions in graphene. Electronic thermal transport in this system is relatively unexplored and is expected to show unique fundamental properties and to play an important role in future applications of graphene, including optoelectronics, plasmonics, and ultrasensitive bolometry. Here, we present measurements of bipolar thermal conductances due to electron diffusion and electron-phonon coupling and infer the electronic specific heat, with a minimum value of 10k_B (10^(−22) J/K) per square micron. We test the validity of the Wiedemann-Franz law and find that the Lorenz number equals 1.32×(π^2/3)(kB/^e)^2. The electron-phonon thermal conductance has a temperature power law T^2 at high doping levels, and the coupling parameter is consistent with recent theory, indicating its enhancement by impurity scattering. We demonstrate control of the thermal conductance by electrical gating and by suppressing the diffusion channel using NbTiN superconducting electrodes, which sets the stage for future graphene-based single-microwave photon detection.
Additional Information
© 2013 American Physical Society. Received 29 June 2013; published 29 October 2013. We acknowledge helpful conversations with P. Kim, J. Hone, E. Henriksen, and D. Nandi. This work was supported in part by (1) the FAME Center, one of six centers of STARnet, a Semiconductor Research Corporation program sponsored by MARCO and DARPA, (2) the US NSF (DMR-0804567), (3) the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, an NSF Physics Frontiers Center with support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and (4) the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship Program (DOE SCGF), made possible in part by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, administered by ORISE-ORAU under contract no. DE-AC05-06OR23100. We are grateful to G. Rossman for the use of a Raman spectroscopy setup. Device fabrication was performed at the Kavli Nanoscience Institute (Caltech) and at the Micro Device Laboratory (NASA/JPL), and part of the research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Attached Files
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Additional details
- Eprint ID
- 40956
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20130827-110003002
- FAME Center
- STARnet
- Semiconductor Research Corporation
- Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation (MARCO)
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- DMR-0804567
- Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM)
- NSF Physics Frontiers Center
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- DE-AC05-06OR23100
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- NASA/JPL/Caltech
- Created
2013-08-29Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-10Created from EPrint's last_modified field
- Caltech groups
- Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Kavli Nanoscience Institute