Published July 2013 | Accepted Version
Journal Article Open

Innate immune recognition of the microbiota promotes host-microbial symbiosis

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Pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) are traditionally known to sense microbial molecules during infection to initiate inflammatory responses. However, ligands for PRRs are not exclusive to pathogens and are abundantly produced by the resident microbiota during normal colonization. Mechanism(s) that underlie this paradox have remained unclear. Recent studies reveal that gut bacterial ligands from the microbiota signal through PRRs to promote development of host tissue and the immune system, and protection from disease. Evidence from both invertebrate and vertebrate models reveals that innate immune receptors are required to promote long-term colonization by the microbiota. This emerging perspective challenges current models in immunology and suggests that PRRs may have evolved, in part, to mediate the bidirectional cross-talk between microbial symbionts and their hosts.

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© 2013 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. Received 8 April; accepted 2 May; published online 18 June 2013. We thank A. Khosravi, S.W. McBride, G. Sharon, Y. Lee and M. Flajnik for comments on the manuscript. Supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation and US National Institutes of Health (DK078938 and GM099535).

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August 19, 2023
October 24, 2023