Published July 1988 | public
Journal Article

NH^+_4 in pegmatitic feldspars from the southern Black Hills, South Dakota

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Trace amounts of ammonium ion (0.7 mol% NH^+_4 substitution) have been identified from the infrared spectra of alkali feldspars from pegmatites occurring in the southern Black Hills district, South Dakota. The spectroscopic data indicate that the ammonium is structurally bound, most likely in the M site of the microcline. These results indicate that ammonium was likely a component of metamorphic fluids present during anatexis of metasedimentary rocks in the southern Black Hills district.

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© 1988 Mineralogical Society of America. Manuscript received April 29, 1987; Manuscript accepted February 29, 1988. Feldspar samples were provided by T. Giordano (New Mexico State University), and R. C. Erd (U S. Geological Survey). H. Taylor, Jr., provided the original impetus to study water and other hydrous species contained in feldspar. Helpful discussion of the manuscript was provided by S. P. Altaner. This research was supported in part by a CONOCO graduate fellowship and NSF Grants EAR 77-23147, EAR 83-13098, and EAR 86-18200.

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023