Published July 2012 | Submitted
Book Section - Chapter Open

Recovery of sparse 1-D signals from the magnitudes of their Fourier transform

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The problem of signal recovery from the autocorrelation, or equivalently, the magnitudes of the Fourier transform, is of paramount importance in various fields of engineering. In this work, for one-dimensional signals, we give conditions, which when satisfied, allow unique recovery from the autocorrelation with very high probability. In particular, for sparse signals, we develop two non-iterative recovery algorithms. One of them is based on combinatorial analysis, which we prove can recover signals up to sparsity o(n^(1/3)) with very high probability, and the other is developed using a convex optimization based framework, which numerical simulations suggest can recover signals upto sparsity o(n^(1/2)) with very high probability.

Additional Information

© 2012 IEEE. Date of Conference: 1-6 July 2012; Date of Current Version: 27 August 2012. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants CCF-0729203, CNS-0932428 and CCF-1018927, by the Office of Naval Research under the MURI grant N00014-08-1-0747, and by Caltech's Lee Center for Advanced Networking.

Attached Files

Submitted - Recovery_20of_20Sparse_201-D_20Signals_20from_20the_20Magnitudes_20of_20their_20Fourier_20Transform.pdf



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August 22, 2023
March 5, 2024