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Published November 19, 2012 | Published
Journal Article Open

Markov speckle for efficient random bit generation


Optical speckle is commonly observed in measurements using coherent radiation. While lacking experimental validation, previous work has often assumed that speckle's random spatial pattern follows a Markov process. Here, we present a derivation and experimental confirmation of conditions under which this assumption holds true. We demonstrate that a detected speckle field can be designed to obey the first-order Markov property by using a Cauchy attenuation mask to modulate scattered light. Creating Markov speckle enables the development of more accurate and efficient image post-processing algorithms, with applications including improved de-noising, segmentation and super-resolution. To show its versatility, we use the Cauchy mask to maximize the entropy of a detected speckle field with fixed average speckle size, allowing cryptographic applications to extract a maximum number of useful random bits from speckle images.

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© 2012 Optical Society of America. Original Manuscript: October 1, 2012. Revised Manuscript: October 30, 2012. Manuscript Accepted: October 31, 2012. Published: November 8, 2012. RH was supported in part by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program. RYC was supported by Joel A. Tropp under AFOSR award FA9550-09-1-0643.

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August 19, 2023
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