Published November 2012 | public
Journal Article

Communication Protocols for N-way All-Cast Relay Networks

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We consider communication protocols for N-way all-cast relay networks, which comprise N source terminals such that each source terminal demands messages from all other source terminals with the help of a relay. The derived protocols are characterized by the fact that physical layer network coding is employed at the relay, where each source has side information about the signals it has sent. Amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols are applied to the N-way relay network setting, where the achievable rate regions for those protocols are derived and compared with outer capacity bounds. We propose several practical space-time coding schemes for AF and DF, and introduce two new protocols denoted as denoise-and-forward (DNF) and estimate-and-forward (EF). Further, for AF and DF the fundamental diversity-multiplexing trade-off is characterized.

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© 2012 IEEE. Paper approved by R. K. Mallik, the Editor for Diversity and Fading Channels of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received June 20, 2011; revised April 2, 2012. Date of Current Version: 29 November 2012. This work has been supported in part by subcontract #069144 issued by BAE Systems National Security Solutions, Inc. and supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the Space and Naval Warfare System Center (SPAWARSYSCEN), San Diego, under Contract Nos. N66001-08-C-2013 and W911NF-07-1-0029, by NSF grants CCF-0830666 and CCF-1017632, and by Caltech's Lee Center for Advanced Networking. This paper has been presented in part at the IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec. 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023