Published November 20, 2012 | Supplemental Material + Published
Journal Article Open

Complex-type N-glycan recognition by potent broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies


Broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies (bNAbs) can recognize carbohydrate-dependent epitopes on gp120. In contrast to previously characterized glycan-dependent bNAbs that recognize high-mannose N-glycans, PGT121 binds complex-type N-glycans in glycan microarrays. We isolated the B-cell clone encoding PGT121, which segregates into PGT121-like and 10-1074–like groups distinguished by sequence, binding affinity, carbohydrate recognition, and neutralizing activity. Group 10-1074 exhibits remarkable potency and breadth but no detectable binding to protein-free glycans. Crystal structures of unliganded PGT121, 10-1074, and their likely germ-line precursor reveal that differential carbohydrate recognition maps to a cleft between complementarity determining region (CDR)H2 and CDRH3. This cleft was occupied by a complex-type N-glycan in a "liganded" PGT121 structure. Swapping glycan contact residues between PGT121 and 10-1074 confirmed their importance for neutralization. Although PGT121 binds complex-type N-glycans, PGT121 recognized high-mannose-only HIV envelopes in isolation and on virions. As HIV envelopes exhibit varying proportions of high-mannose- and complex-type N-glycans, these results suggest promiscuous carbohydrate interactions, an advantageous adaptation ensuring neutralization of all viruses within a given strain.

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© 2012 National Academy of Sciences. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. Contributed by Pamela J. Bjorkman, October 4, 2012 (sent for review September 15, 2012). Published online before print October 30, 2012. Author contributions: H.M and M.C.N conceived the project; H.M., L.S., Z.E., Y.L., H.S., T.F., M.C.N., and P.J.B. designed research; H.M., L.S., Z.E., Y.L., H.S., T.F., M.C.N., and P.J.B. performed research; H.M. produced the antibodies and the HIV Env proteins; H.M. performed and analyzed antibody-binding experiments; L.S. determined and interpreted crystal structures; C.E., J.F.S., and A.H.-S. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; Z.E. and H.S. performed and analyzed PBMC-based neutralization assays; Y.L. performed carbohydrate microarray analyses; P.N.P.G. performed and analyzed neutralization assays using viral strains produced in GnTI −/− cells; D.I.R.S. isolated and characterized the NA2 glycan; M.S.S. performed and analyzed TZM-bl neutralization assays; and H.M., L.S., Y.L., T.F., M.C.N., and P.J.B. wrote the paper. Conflict of interest statement: M.C.N., H.M., P.J.B. and L.S. have a pending patent application for the new PGT121 antibody variants described in the present study with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Data deposition: The atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, [PDB ID codes 4FQ1 (unliganded PGT121 Fab), 4FQC ("liganded" PGT121 Fab), 4FQ2 (10-1074 Fab), and 4FQQ (GL Fab)]. We thank Tim Feliciano and the Caltech Protein Expression Center for expression of proteins, Terri Lee for producing pseudoviruses in HEK 293S GnTI −/− cells, Anthony West for germ-line gene analyses, and the T.F. laboratory for establishing the neoglycolipid-based microarray system. This research was supported by The Rockefeller University, National Institutes of Health Grant 1 P01 AI081677 (to M.C.N.), the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [Comprehensive Antibody-Vaccine Immune Monitoring Consortium Grant 1032144 (to M.S.S.); Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery Grants 38660 (to P.J.B.) and 38619s (to M.C.N.)], UK Research Councils' Basic Technology Initiative "Glycoarrays" Grant GRS/79268, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Translational Grant EP/G037604/1, Wellcome Trust Grant WT093378MA, National Cancer Institute Alliance of Glycobiologists for Detection of Cancer and Cancer Risk Grant U01 CA128416, and the Molecular Observatory at Caltech supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Operations at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource are supported by the US Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. M.C.N. and P.J.B. are Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators.

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