Published May 2011 | Published
Journal Article Open

Nano-Scale Strain-Induced Giant Pseudo-Magnetic Fields and Charging Effects in CVD-Grown Graphene on Copper

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Scanning tunneling microscopic and spectroscopic (STM/STS) studies of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on copper reveal that the monolayer carbon structures remaining on copper are strongly strained and rippled, with different regions exhibiting different lattice structures and local electronic density of states (LDOS). The large and non-uniform strain induces pseudo-magnetic field up to ∼ 50 Tesla, as manifested by the integer and fractional pseudo-magnetic field quantum Hall effects (IQHE and FQHE) in the LDOS of graphene. Additionally, ridges appear along the boundaries of different lattice structures, which exhibit excess charging effects. For graphene transferred from copper to SiO_2 substrates after the CVD growth, the average strain and the corresponding charging effects and pseudo-magnetic fields become much reduced. These findings suggest the feasibility of strain-engineering of graphene-based nano-electronics.

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© 2011 The Electrochemical Society. The work at Caltech was jointly supported by the National Science Foundation and the Nano Research Initiatives (NRI) under the Center of Science and Engineering of Materials (CSEM).

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