Published May 6, 2002 | public
Journal Article

Evaluating thermal history models for the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia, using (U-Th)/He and fission-track data from borehole apatites

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New apatite helium and fission-track data from the Otway Basin are consistent with previously published borehole ages, confirming earlier suggestions that existing thermal models for basin evolution should be reevaluated. Analysis of the relationship between helium ages and grain size in newly analyzed samples, as well as in samples previously reported, reveals that grain size variations may contribute to the previously reported scatter in helium ages among aliquots of the same sample. In addition, systematic variations in apatite grain size with borehole depth or temperature may also have a significant effect on the interpretation of borehole helium age data. Incorporation of the observed grain size variations in Otway borehole apatites into forward models based on published thermal histories, principally based on vitrinite reflectance and fission-track data, suggests that existing models for the eastern Otway Basin are broadly consistent with the helium data. In contrast, thermal histories for western basin boreholes, now thought to be at maximum temperatures, predict helium ages that are generally older than the observed ages, implying that basin temperatures were hotter than indicated by the models. This discrepancy is consistent with a Cenozoic heating event in parts of the western Otway Basin similar to that documented for the eastern basin. The relatively wide spread of apparent apatite fission-track (AFT) ages and compositions compared to the restricted age range of helium measurements on coexisting grains, although not conclusive, supports previous suggestions that composition does not appear to affect the sensitivity of the He closure temperature in apatite.

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© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. Received 1 August 2000; accepted 27 July 2001. Acknowledgment is made to the Donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, the Australian Research Council and NSF for support of this research. Neutron irradiation costs were covered by the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering. Lindsey Hedges of the Noble Gas Laboratory at Caltech provided analytical assistance. Kathy Hill, Ken Wilson and Bob Harms of the Petroleum Division of the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment greatly facilitated the examination of the Otway Basin well reports studied and the collection of core samples. Kevin Hill and Chuck Naeser provided constructive criticism of an earlier draft of this work.

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August 22, 2023
October 20, 2023