Published October 2002 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Dynamic Characteristics of Woodframe Buildings

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Through analysis of recorded earthquake response and by forced vibration and shake-table testing, a database of dynamic characteristics of woodframe buildings was developed. Modal identification was performed on eight sets of strong-motion records obtained from five buildings, and forced vibration tests were performed on five other buildings. The periods identified were sensitive to the amplitude of shaking, due to the reduction in lateral stiffness at stronger shaking levels. Data obtained from the UC San Diego and UC Berkeley full-scale shake-table tests illustrate the shift in periods due to increasing shaking amplitude. A regression analysis was performed on the data to obtain a simple but reasonably accurate period formula for woodframe buildings at low drift levels (less than 0.1%). The equivalent viscous dampings were usually more than 10% of critical during earthquake shaking.

Additional Information

Funding for the research detailed in this report was provided by the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE) as part of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project, under a grant administered by the California Office of Emergency Services and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The authors are also grateful for Professor Ziyad Duron's generosity in lending the Harvey Mudd shaker. His expertise and that of his research assistants were invaluable. The authors also wish to thank the staff at the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP), California Geological Survey (previously known as the Division of Mines and Geology), Sacramento, California, for processing the earthquake records from woodframe buildings.

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August 19, 2023
October 19, 2023