Published September 22, 1989 | public
Journal Article

Microwave direct absorption spectroscopy of weakly-bound clusters in a planar supersonic jet: Spectra of Ar-HCN and (HCN)_2 from 17.4 to 76.7 GHz

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A direct absorption microwave and millimeterwave spectrometer capable of observing the rotational transitions of weakly-bound complexes formed in a planar supersonic nozzle has been constructed. Both the technique for observing weakly-bound complexes and its initial application to Ar-HCN and (HCN)_2 are described. The Ar-HCN lines reported here show significant frequency discrepancies (up to −3187.2 MHz) from predictions using previously obtained constants with distortion treatments through sixth order in J, reflecting the strong angular-radial coupling and pervasive intermolecular vibrational state mixing in this complex.

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© Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Received 2 7 April 1989; in final form 28 June 1989. This research was partially supported by grants from the Boeing Research Fund and the Beckman Institute. REB would like to acknowledge support from the Bantrell Fellowship program administered by CalTech. We thank Ed Cohen of the Jet Propulsion Lab for lending us the HP waveguide detector, and R.J. Saykally, R.C. Cohen, K.L. Busarow, G. Fraser, and M. Marshall for many helpful discussions during the course of this work.

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August 22, 2023
October 18, 2023