Published January 1992 | public
Journal Article

An Experimental Study of the Active Control of a Building Model

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This paper reports some of the results of an ongoing analytical and ex perimental study into the control of building-like structures subjected to nonstationary ran dom excitations such as earthquakes. The structural model used resembles a 5-story build ing about 2.5 meters high. The building model was subjected to a variety of direct-force excitations. The control algorithm used employs an adaptive structural member at a prede termined location in the model in order to attenuate the structural response relative to the moving building foundation. An electromagnetic actuator is used to generate the required control faces in the "smart" member. Among the key features of the algorithm under dis cussion are: 1. Only one active controller is required to attenuate the vibration response contributed by the first three modes; the damping factor is increased from virtually zero to about 20%. 2. Only two sensors are needed for this algorithm; this leads to simpler instrumentation and a more robust system. 3. Due to the optimization procedure used to select the controller location, a significant amount of damping augmentation is obtained from a relatively small amount of control energy. 4. The whole design procedure was demonstrated; special attention was paid to the time lag problem of the active controller and the stability of the system was discussed. As part of the design phase of this study, a system identification procedure was used to develop a suitable reduced-order mathematical model. The results of a simulation study J. of IN TELL. MATER. SYST. AND STRUCT., Yol. 3 -January 1992 1045-389X/92/01 0134-32 $6.00/0 © 1992 Technomic Publishmg Co., Inc. using this identified model are compared to experimental measurements. Problems en countered in the experimental phase of the study are reported and discussed. It is shown that 1) the algorithm under discussion is capable of reliably controlling the motion of the test structure under arbitrary dynamic environments, and 2) the features of the algorithm make it a promising candidate for application to large civil structures.

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Copyright © 1992 by SAGE Publications. This work was supported by Kajima Corporation and the University of Southern California under the CUREe-Kajima joint research project, subject No. 6.

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August 20, 2023
October 18, 2023