Published October 1981 | public
Journal Article

Quasiperiodic and Stochastic Behavior in Molecules

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The extent and rate of intramolecular energy transfer play a role in a variety of problems in chemical dynamics. Examples are unimolecular reactions (1 a,b), chemical activation (2a,b), vibrational-rotational-translation energy distribution of the products of a dissociating species (3, 4), infrared multiphoton decomposition of molecules (5a,b, 6), internal conversion and intersystem crossing of electronically excited states (7a-d), dissociation of vibrationally excited state-selected van der Waals complexes (8), fluorescence spectra of electronically and vibrationally excited molecules (9a,b, 10a,b), chemiluminescent spectra of vibrationally excited molecules (11), reactions induced by excitation of high overtones of a bond vibration (12a-c), and high overtone spectra (13a,b). The present article reviews recent theoretical studies on the quasiperiodic and chaotic dynamical aspects of vibrational states and describes how those studies may be related to intramolecular randomization.

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© The US Government has the right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. Published October 1981. We should like to acknowledge helpful discussions during the course of this research with many individuals, including J. R. Stine, R. Ramaswamy, V. K. Babamov, M. Tabor, W.K. Liu, J.D. McDonald, A.H. Zewail, E.A. Jackson, J.L. Beauchamp, and J. L. Lyman, Jim Stine's review of the manuscript was very helpful. A portion of this article was planned while one of us (R.A.M.) was Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecturer at Tel Aviv University. He is particularly grateful to Joshua Jortner, to Matilda Elron, and to their colleagues for their gracious hospitality and stimulating environment. We are most indebted to Joyce Lundstedt for her considerable assistance and for her excellent typing of the manuscript. This research was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation and by the US Department of Energy. The article is Contribution No. 6373 from the California Institute of Technology.

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August 19, 2023
October 18, 2023