Published January 20, 2009 | Submitted + Published
Working Paper Open

The 2008 Presidential Primaries through the Lens of Prediction Markets

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To explore the influence of primary and caucus results during the 2008 nomination process we leverage a previously unused methodology---the analysis of prediction market contracts. The unique structure of prediction markets allows us to address two questions. First, we analyze whether primary and caucus results affect candidates' chances in the general election, as candidates who take extreme positions during the nomination contest may be unable to easily appeal to centrist voters in the general election. We also assess whether states with early primaries, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, have a disproportionate effect on the nominating process. We show that the length of the primary process has a minimal impact of the electability of candidates in the general election, and that some states have a disproportionate impact on the nominating process. However, the states that have the largest impact are not necessarily New Hampshire and Iowa, the two that have often been assumed to be the most influential because of their early position on the primary calendar.

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Research papers in this archive represent the research of their authors, and not the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project (VTP) nor the individual research members of the VTP. Papers posted to the RPEAVT are not reviewed for accuracy, methodology, nor potential research impact; thus RPEAVT papers are not peer-reviewed. The RPEAVT Series is made possible, in part, by the program grant to the VTP by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The content of the papers is the sole responsibility of the authors.

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Published - Malhotra_Snowberg__10_22_08_.pdf

Submitted - Malhotra_Snowberg_primaries2.pdf


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