Published November 7, 1994 | Published
Journal Article Open

Time-resolved Microwave Conductivity. Part 2.-Quantum-sized TiO_2 and the Effect of Adsorbates and Light Intensity on Charge-carrier Dynamics

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Charge-carrier recombination dynamics after a pulsed laser excitation are investigated by time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) for quantum-sized (Q-) TiO_2 and P25, a bulk-phase TiO_2. Adsorbed scavengers such as HNO_3, HC, HCIO_4, isopropyl alcohol, trans-decalin, tetranitromethane, and methyl viologen dichloride result in different charge-carrier recombination dynamics for Q-TiO_2 and P25. The differences include a current doubling with isopropyl alcohol for which electron injection into Q-TiO_2 is much slower than into P25 and relaxation of the selection rules of an indirect-bandgap semiconductor due to size quantization. However, the faster interfacial charge transfer predicted for Q-TiO_2 due to a 0. 2 eV gain in redox overpotentials is not observed. The effect of light intensity is also investigated. Above a critical injection level, fast recombination channels are opened, which may be a major factor resulting in the dependence of the steady-state photolysis quantum yields on l^(–1/2). The fast recombination channels are opened at lower injection levels for P25 than for Q-TiO_2, and a model incorporating the heterogeneity of surface-hole traps is presented.

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© 1994 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Paper 4/02297A; Received 18th April, 1994. We are indebted to Prof. Nathan S. Lewis for the loan of microwave components and to Prof. Geoffrey A. Blake for the use of the excimer laser. We are grateful to ARPA and ONR {NAV 5 HFMN N0001492J1901} for financial support. S.M. is supported by a National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. H.H. wishes to thank NATO/DAAD for financing a research visit at the California Institute of Technology. Wonyong Choi, Dr. Amy Hoffman, Nicole Peill and Dr. Andreas Termin provided valuable support and stimulating discussion.

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