Published January 20, 2012 | public
Journal Article

Local Zones of Endoplasmic Reticulum Complexity Confine Cargo in Neuronal Dendrites

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Following synthesis, integral membrane proteins dwell in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for variable periods that are typically rate limiting for plasma membrane delivery. In neurons, the ER extends for hundreds of microns as an anastomosing network throughout highly branched dendrites. However, little is known about the mobility, spatial scales, or dynamic regulation of cargo in the dendritic ER. Here, we show that membrane proteins, including AMPA-type glutamate receptors, rapidly diffuse within the continuous network of dendritic ER but are confined by increased ER complexity at dendritic branch points and near dendritic spines. The spatial range of receptor mobility is rapidly restricted by type I mGluR signaling through a mechanism involving protein kinase C (PKC) and the ER protein CLIMP63. Moreover, local zones of ER complexity compartmentalize ER export and correspond to sites of new dendritic branches. Thus, local control of ER complexity spatially scales secretory trafficking within elaborate dendritic arbors.

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© 2012 Elsevier Inc. Received 18 February 2010. Revised 28 March 2011. Accepted 17 November 2011. Available online 19 January 2012. Published: January 19, 2012. We thank Ben Arenkiel, Ian Davison, Juliet Hernandez, Matt Kennedy, Tom Newpher, and Rui Peixoto for critical reading of the manuscript. We thank Larry Lindsey and Cam Robinson for help with EM data processing. We thank Irina Lebedeva and Marguerita Klein for technical assistance. We thank Zeiss USA for use of their structured illumination microcopy system. Work in the laboratory of M. D. E. was supported by NIH grants NS039402, MH064748, and MH086339, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Work in the laboratory of K.M.H. is supported by NIH grants NS021184 and EB002170.

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