Published June 1997 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Orientation diffusions

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Diffusions provide a convenient way of smoothing noisy brightness images, of analyzing images at multiple scales, and of enhancing discontinuities. Some quantities of interest in computer vision are defined on curved manifolds; typical examples are orientation and hue that are defined on the circle. Generalizing diffusions to orientation is not straightforward, especially in the case where a discrete implementation is sought. An example of what may go wrong is presented. A method is proposed to define diffusions of orientation-like quantities. First a definition in the continuum is discussed, then a discrete orientation diffusion is proposed. The behavior of such diffusions is explored both analytically and experimentally. It is shown how such orientation diffusions contain a nonlinearity that is reminiscent of edge-process and anisotropic diffusion. A number of open questions are proposed at the end.

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© 1997 IEEE. Date of Current Version: 06 August 2002. This work was in part funded by NSF Grant IRI 9306155 on "Geometry driven diffusions" and by an NSF National Young Investigator Award.

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August 19, 2023
October 24, 2023