Published May 1998 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Multirate separable implementation of steerable filter banks

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This paper describes efficient schemes for the computation of a large number of differently scaled/oriented filtered versions of an image. Previous work has generalized the well-known steerable/scalable ("deformable") filter bank structure by imposing X-Y separability on the basis filters. These systems, designed by an iterative projections technique, were shown to achieve substantial reduction of the computational cost. To reduce the memory requirement, we adopt a multirate implementation. The resulting structure, however, is not shift-invariant-it gives rise to "aliasing". We introduce a design criterion for multirate deformable structures that jointly controls the approximation error and the shift-variance

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© 1998 lEEE. Issue Date: 31 May-3 Jun 1998. Date of Current Version: 06 August 2002. We gratefully acknowledge support from NSF Grant IRI 9306155 on "Geometry driven diffusions", NSF Research Initiation grant IRI 9211651, ONR grant N00014-93-1-0990, a NSF National Young Investigator Award to P.P.. This work is supported in part by the Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering as a part of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center Program; and by the California Trade and Commerce Agency, Office of Strategic Technology.

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August 19, 2023
October 24, 2023