Published November 2011 | public
Journal Article

New open-source approaches to the modeling of stellar collapse and the formation of black holes

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We present new approaches to the simulation of stellar collapse, the formation of black holes, and explosive core-collapse supernova nucleosynthesis that build upon open-source codes and microphysics. We discuss the new spherically-symmetric general-relativistic (GR) collapse code GR1D that is endowed with an approximate 1.5D treatment of rotation, comes with multiple nuclear equations of state, and handles neutrinos with a multi-species leakage scheme. Results from a first set of spinning black hole formation simulations are presented. We go on to discuss the derivative code GR1D + N which is tuned for calculations of explosive nucleosynthesis and includes a NSE/non-NSE equation of state treatment, and a nuclear reaction network. We present sample results showing GR1D+N's performance in reproducing previous results with thermal-bomb-driven explosions. Finally, we introduce the 3 + 1 GR Zelmani core collapse simulation package and present first results obtained in its application to the 3D modeling of failing core-collapse supernovae.

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© 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Received: 17 June 2010. Accepted: 27 November 2010. Published online: 10 December 2010. We thank K. Nomoto for providing his 1988 progenitor data and acknowledge useful conversations with W.D. Arnett, L. Dessart, M. Duez, J. Kaplan, T. Fischer, and J. Lattimer. This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant Nos. AST-0855535, OCI-0905046, OCI-0941653, and PHY-0904015. E.O.C. is supported in part through a post-graduate fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Computations were performed on the Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure computers under allocation loni_numrel05 and on resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

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