Published February 2011 | Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

A wireless multi-channel neural amplifier for freely moving animals

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Conventional neural recording systems restrict behavioral experiments to a flat indoor environment compatible with the cable that tethers the subject to recording instruments. To overcome these constraints, we developed a wireless multi-channel system for recording neural signals from rats. The device takes up to 64 voltage signals from implanted electrodes, samples each at 20 kHz, time-division multiplexes them into one signal and transmits that output by radio frequency to a receiver up to 60 m away. The system introduces <4 μV of electrode-referred noise, comparable to wired recording systems, and outperforms existing rodent telemetry systems in channel count, weight and transmission range. This allows effective recording of brain signals in freely behaving animals. We report measurements of neural population activity taken outdoors and in tunnels. Neural firing in the visual cortex was relatively sparse, correlated even across large distances and was strongly influenced by locomotor activity.

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© 2011 Nature Publishing Group. Received 21 October 2010; accepted 6 December 2010; published online 16 January 2011. We thank A. Leifer and E. Soucy for technical assistance and O. Mazor and A. Biewener for advice. Funding was provided by the McKnight Foundation (M.M., T.A.S.) the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (M.M.), the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (W.D., P.H.), the National Science Foundation (PHY-0750525, A.M.L.) and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface (A.S.). Author Contributions: This manuscript was written by T.A.S. and M.M., with comments from all authors. The Neuroplat chip was designed by P.H., W.D. and A.M.L. The back and head boards were designed by A.M.L., V.F., S.K., A.S. and M.V.G. The wireless link was designed by T.A.S. and M.M. Implantations and experiments were performed by A.G.S. and E.V.L. (hippocampus), N.U. (frontal eye field), and T.A.S. and M.A. (V1). Analysis was performed by N.U. (FEF) and T.A.S. and M.M. (V1, hippocampus). M.M. and A.M.L. supervised the project.

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