Published 2006 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

Packet Switched vs. Time Multiplexed FPGA Overlay Networks

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Dedicated, spatially configured FPGA interconnect is efficient for applications that require high throughput connections between processing elements (PEs) but with a limited degree of PE interconnectivity (e.g. wiring up gates and datapaths). Applications which virtualize PEs may require a large number of distinct PE-to-PE connections (e.g. using one PE to simulate 100s of operators, each requiring input data from thousands of other operators), but with each connection having low throughput compared with the PE's operating cycle time. In these highly interconnected conditions, dedicating spatial interconnect resources for all possible connections is costly and inefficient. Alternatively, we can time share physical network resources by virtualizing interconnect links, either by statically scheduling the sharing of resources prior to runtime or by dynamically negotiating resources at runtime. We explore the tradeoffs (e.g. area, route latency, route quality) between time-multiplexed and packet-switched networks overlayed on top of commodity FPGAs. We demonstrate modular and scalable networks which operate on a Xilinx XC2V6000-4 at 166MHz. For our applications, time-multiplexed, offline scheduling offers up to a 63% performance increase over online, packet-switched scheduling for equivalent topologies. When applying designs to equivalent area, packet-switching is up to 2× faster for small area designs while time-multiplexing is up to 5× faster for larger area designs. When limited to the capacity of a XC2V6000, if all communication is known, time-multiplexed routing outperforms packet-switching; however when the active set of links drops below 40% of the potential links, packet-switched routing can outperform time-multiplexing.

Additional Information

© 2006 IEEE. Issue Date: 24-26 April 2006, Date of Current Version: 11 December 2006. This work was supported in part by DARPA under grant FA8750-05-C-0011, the NSF CAREER program under grant CCR-0133102, and the Microelectronics Advanced Research Consortium (MARCO) as part of the efforts of the Gigascale Systems Research Center (GSRC).

Attached Files

Published - Kapre2006p9393Fccm_2006_14Th_Annual_Ieee_Symposium_On_Field-Programmable_Custom_Computing_Machines_Proceedings.pdf



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