Published May 1, 2006
| Published
Journal Article
Search for the charmed pentaquark candidate Θ_c(3100)^0 in e^+e^- annihilations at √s=10.58 GeV
We search for the charmed pentaquark candidate reported by the H1 collaboration, the Θ_c(3100)^0, in e^+e^- interactions at a center-of-mass (c.m.) energy of 10.58 GeV, using 124 fb^(-1) of data recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e^+e^- facility at SLAC. We find no evidence for such a state in the same pD^(*-) decay mode reported by H1, and we set limits on its production cross section times branching fraction into pD^(*-) as a function of c.m. momentum. The corresponding limit on its total rate per e^+e^-→qq event, times branching fraction, is about 3 orders of magnitude lower than rates measured for the charmed Λ_c and Σ_c baryons in such events.
Additional Information
© 2006 American Physical Society. Received 3 April 2006; published 17 May 2006. We are grateful for the excellent luminosity and machine conditions provided by our PEP-II colleagues, and for the substantial dedicated effort from the computing organizations that support BABAR. The collaborating institutions wish to thank SLAC for its support and kind hospitality. This work is supported by DOE and NSF (USA), NSERC (Canada), IHEP (China), CEA and CNRS-IN2P3 (France), BMBF and DFG (Germany), INFN (Italy), FOM (The Netherlands), NFR (Norway), MIST (Russia), and PPARC (United Kingdom). Individuals have received support from CONACyT (Mexico), Marie Curie EIF (European Union), the A. P. Sloan Foundation, the Research Corporation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Attached Files
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Additional details
- Eprint ID
- 22149
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20110211-143512742
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
- IHEP (China)
- CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique), France
- CNRS-IN2P3 (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France
- BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), Germany
- DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Germany
- INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Italy
- FOM (The Netherlands)
- NFR (Norway)
- MIST (Russia)
- CONACyT (Mexico)
- Marie Curie EIF (European Union)
- A. P. Sloan Foundation
- Research Corporation
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Created
2011-02-11Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-09Created from EPrint's last_modified field