Published February 2006 | Published
Journal Article Open

Measurements of neutral B decay branching fractions to K^0_Sπ^+π^- final states and the charge asymmetry of B^0 → K^(*+)π^-

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We analyze the decay B^0 → K^0_Sπ^+π^- using a sample of 232 × 10^6 Υ(4S) → BB̅ decays collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory. A maximum likelihood fit finds the following branching fractions: B(B^0 → K^0π^+π^-)=(43.0 ± 2.3 ± 2.3) × 10^(-6),  B(B^0 → f_0(→ π^+π^-)K^0)=(5.5 ± 0.7 ± 0.5 ± 0.3)×10^(-6) and B(B^0→K^(*+)π^-)=(11.0 ± 1.5 ± 0.5 ± 0.5)×10^(-6). For these results, the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third (if present) is due to the effect of interference from other resonances. We also measure the CP-violating charge asymmetry in the decay B^0 → K^(*+)π^-, A_(K*π) = -0.11 ± 0.14 ± 0.05.

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© 2006 American Physical Society. Received 4 August 2005; published 15 February 2006. We are grateful for the excellent luminosity and machine conditions provided by our PEP-II colleagues, and for the substantial dedicated effort from the computing organizations that support BABAR. The collaborating institutions wish to thank SLAC for its support and kind hospitality. This work is supported by DOE and NSF (USA), NSERC (Canada), IHEP (China), CEA and CNRS-IN2P3 (France), BMBF and DFG (Germany), INFN (Italy), FOM (The Netherlands), NFR (Norway), MIST (Russia), and PPARC (United Kingdom). Individuals have received support from CONACyT (Mexico), A. P. Sloan Foundation, Research Corporation, and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

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