Published July 15, 2001 | public
Journal Article

Global well–posedness for the Lagrangian averaged Navier–Stokes (LANS–α) equations on bounded domains

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We prove the global well–posedness and regularity of the (isotropic) Lagrangian averaged Navier–Stokes (LANS–α) equations on a three–dimensional bounded domain with a smooth boundary with no–slip boundary conditions for initial data in the set {u ∈ H^s ∩ H^1_0| Au = 0 on ∂Ω, div u = 0}, s ∈ [3, 5), where A is the Stokes operator. As with the Navier–Stokes equations, one has parabolic–type regularity; that is, the solutions instantaneously become space–time smooth when the forcing is smooth (or zero). The equations are an ensemble average of the Navier–Stokes equations over initial data in an α–radius phase–space ball, and converge to the Navier–Stokes equations as α → 0. We also show that classical solutions of the LANS–α equations converge almost all in H^s for s ∈ (2.5, 3), to solutions of the inviscid equations (ν = 0), called the Lagrangian averaged Euler (LAE–α) equations, even on domains with boundary, for time–intervals governed by the time of existence of solutions of the LAE–α equations.

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© 2001 The Royal Society. We thank The Royal Society for the opportunity to present this work at their interesting Discussion Meeting. We thank Darryl Holm for his kind suggestions and remarks on earlier drafts of this paper. We also thank Daniel Coutand and James Peirce for carefully reading the manuscript and making many valuable suggestions for its improvement. J.E.M. and S.S. were partly supported by the NSF-KDI grant ATM-98-73133. J.E.M. also acknowledges the support of the California Institute of Technology and S.S. was partly supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship.

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