Published June 2010 | public
Journal Article

High pT production of bb[overbar] at LHC and new SU(3)_c bosons

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We discuss the potential of measurements of σ(pp → bb[overbar]) to constrain new bosonic degrees of freedom at the LHC when p_T ≳ √s/11 TeV for a pseudorapidity cut |η| < 2.4. By suppressing the NLO QCD production of bb[overbar]pairs through simple kinematic constraints we show how to more efficiently exploit CMS's reach out to 1.5TeV in p_T for B mesons in searches for new physics. Using this technique we investigate the potential for discovery of new massive spin one and spin zero SU(3)_c octet bosons by analyzing their effect on the dσ(pp → bb[overbar])/dp^2_T distribution. In some cases, the tree level contributions are small and the largest effect of new physics on the p_T tail of the distribution is due to one-loop resonant s-channel production or interference effects with the LO standard model production mechanisms qq[overbar], gg → bb[overbar]. We explore this possibility in some detail when the standard model is extended with an (8, 2)_(1/2) scalar motivated by Minimal Flavor Violation.

Additional Information

© SISSA 2010. Received: February 4, 2010. Revised: May 21, 2010. Accepted: June 10, 2010. Published: June 30, 2010. We thank Mark Wise for collaboration during the early stages of the work presented here. We further thank Mark Wise, Maxim Pospelov, Saba Zuberi and Brian Batell for comments on the manuscript. Research at the Perimeter Institute is supported in part by the Government of Canada through NSERC and by the Province of Ontario through MEDT.

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August 22, 2023
October 20, 2023