Published June 12, 2009 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

Per-antenna power constrained MIMO transceivers optimized for BER

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This paper considers the linear transceiver optimization problem for multi-carrier multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels with per-antenna power constraints. Because in practical implementations each antenna is limited individually by its equipped power amplifier, this paper adopts the more realistic per-antenna power constraints, in contrast to the conventional sum-power constraint on the transmitter antennas. Assuming perfect channel knowledge both at the transmitter and the receiver, the optimization problem can be transformed into a semi-definite program (SDP), which can be solved by convex optimization tools. Furthermore, several objective functions of the MIMO system, including average bit error rate, can also be optimized by the introduction of the majorization theory.

Additional Information

© 2008 IEEE. This work is supported in parts by the ONR grant N00014-06-1-0011, and the TMS scholarship 94-2-A-018 of the National Science Council of Republic of China, Taiwan.

Attached Files

Published - Weng2008p82722008_42Nd_Asilomar_Conference_On_Signals_Systems_And_Computers_Vols_1-4.pdf



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August 21, 2023
January 12, 2024