Published December 1984 | Published
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Qing history in America: past accomplishments and present trends

Lee, James
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Fifty years ago, Chinese history hardly existed as a field of study in the United States. In 1935, there were no more than a dozen active American sinologists of whom only one or two were historians.1 Today there are over sixteen hundred members of the Association of Asian Studies who study China, of whom at least seven hundred are historians and one hundred are social scientists who work extensively with historical material. 2 Chinese studies has made vast strides largely under the banner of area studies. History, especially Qing history, has predominated. Qing historians have their own journal and their own professional association with a membership of well over three hundred individuals.3 They account for almost half of all Chinese historians and receive the bulk of all historical funding.

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TABLE ONE THE POPULATION HISTORY OF CHINA BEFORE 1911: THE STATE OF THE FIELD Dates of Publication of Books and Articles from 1935-1984 Chinese 1935-1939 11 1940-1944 3 1945-1949 4 1950-1954 1 1955-1959 16 1960-1964 5 1965-1969 1 1970-1974 2 1975-1979 9 1980-1984 ill Totals 169 Sources: See Appendix. Western Languages 1 2 3 5 2 4 9 12. 45 Total 11 3 5 3 19 10 3 6 18 136 214 11 APPENDIX THE POPULATION HISTORY OF CHINA BEFORE 1911: THE STATE OF THE FIELD Bibliography of Published Books and Articles from 1935-1984 Aoyama, Sadao. "Zui To So san-dai ni okeru kosu no chi-ikiteki kosatsu" (A Geographical Study of the Household Figures in the Sui, Tang and Sung Dynasties), Rekishi gaku (Historical Studies), 6/4 (I 936): 59-94. Barclay, George W. Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954. Barrett, Richard. "Short-Term Trends in Bastardy in Taiwan." Journal of Family History 5, no. 3 (Fall 1980):293-312. Barrett, Richard. Demographic Processes in China Since the Nineteenth Century. New York: Academic Press, 1985. Bei, Ti, and Wang, Chong. "Zhongguo gudai renkou s1x1ang ji qi guilu" (Ancient Chinese Population Theory and Theoretical Laws). Sichuan daxue xuebao no. 4 (1981):40-46. Bielenstein, Hans. "The Census of China during the Period 2-742 A.D." Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 19 (1947):125- 163. Bielenstein, Hans. "The Chinese Colonization of Fukien until the End of the T'ang." Studia Serica Bernhard Karlgren Dedicata (Copenhagen, 1959):98-122. Cai, Shangzhong. "Qingdai Jiaqing renkou fanshu fahui" (The Release of Fertility During the Jiaqing Period). Renkou ~ jingji no. 3 (1981): ? Cart ier, Michel. "La croissance demographique Chinoise de XVIIIe sieele et l'enregistrement des pao-chia." Annales de demographie historique (1979):9-23. Cartier, Michel. "La femme seule en Chine." Annales de demographie historique (1981):229-233. Cartier, Michel, and Mathieu, R. "Les Conceptions demographiques de L'antiquite Chinoise." Annales de demographie historique (1974) :375-389. 12 Cartier, Michel, and Will, Pierre-Etienne. "Demographie et institutions en Chine: contributions a l'analyse des recensements de l'epoque imperiale," Annales de demographie historigue (1971): 161-245. Chang, P'eng-yuan. "Jindai Hunan de renkou yu dushi fazhan" (Population and City Growth in Hunan Province Down to 1930). Lishi xuebao (Bulletin of Historical Research) 5 (April 1977):447-488. Chao, Zhongzhen. "Qing qianqi renkou jizeng dui ziben zhuyi mengya di zu'ai" (The Sharp Rise in Population During the Qing and the Consequent Obstacle to the Development of Capitalism), Shandong shifan daxue xuebao no. 3 (1982): ? Chen, Ding. "Mozi de renkou zengzhi lun" (Mozi's Essay on Population Increase). Shidai jingshen 7.1 (1942) ? Chen, Guihua. "Baqi jianli qian manzhou niulu he renkou chutan" (A Preliminary Investigation of the Manchu Population and Niru Before the Establishment of the Eight Banner System). Zhongyang minzu xueyuan xuebao no. 1 (1981): ? Chen, Gong1u. "Sanguo de Shu hukou guji" (An Estimate of the Population of Shu During the Three Kingdoms). ~ 2.2 (1941): ? Chen, Lesu. "Zhuke hu duicheng yu Beisong hubu de hukou tongji" (Native and Immigrant Labels and the Population Statistics from the Bureau of Revenue of the Northern Song). Jianghan xuebao 1.2 (1949) ? Chen, Pengnian. Zhongguo lidai renkou biangian zhi yanjiu (Research on Chinese Population History). (Shangwu: 1946). Chen, Suj iang. "Sanguo shidai de renkou yidong" (Population Movement During the Three Kingdoms). Shihuo 1.3 (1935): ? Chen, Xiwei. "Lianghan de renkou zhengce" (Han Population Policy). Zhongyang ribao (October 15th and October 22nd, 1947): ? Cheng, Xianmin. "Lun Qingdai renkou zengzhang lu ji guosheng wenti" (Qing Population Growth Rates and Overpopulation). Zhongguo shi yanjiu (Research in Chinese History) 3 (1982):48-60. Cheng, Xianmin. Vagrancy). "Qingdai youmin wenti qianxi" (Problems of Qing Sichuan daxue xuebao no. 4 (1983): 78-87. Durand, John. "The Population Statistics of China, A. D. 2-1953." Population Studies vol. 13, 3 {March 1960):249- 13 De Crespigny, Rafe. "Prefectures and Population in South China in the First Three Centuries A.D." Bulletin of The Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica 40 (1968):139-154. Entermann, Robert. "Sichuan and Qing Migration Policy." Ch'ing-shih wen-t'i 4:4 (1980): ? Fan, Shuzhi. "Mingdai Jingxiang Humin yu pengmin" (Migrants and Shack Peoples in the Central Yangzi During the Ming Dynasty). Zhongguo shi yanjiu no. 3 (1980): ? Fan, Zhe, and Tang, Shira. "Baodi xian bianshen ce chubu yanjiu" (A Preliminary Analysis of the Baodi Registers). .lll!!& shi yanjiu .ii no. 3 (1984): ? Fan, Zhuanxian. "Songdai shuchu renkou wenti" (Problems of Song Population Emigration). Zhongguo lishi wenxian yanjiu iikan no. 1 (1980): 194-199. Fang, Guoyu. "Tang Song shiqi Erhaiqu de Hanzu yimin" (Han Immigration into Western Yunnan during the Tang and Song). Yunnan daxue ~ kexue (Humanistic Sciences of Yunnan University), no. 1 (1957): 1-11. Fang, Guoyu. ''Han Jin shiqi Diandongqu de Hanzu yimin" (Han Immigration into Eastern Yunnan during the Han and Jin). Wenshi zazhi (History and Arts Magazine), no. 3 (1957):13-35. Fei, John C. H., and Liu, Ts'ui-jung and et a1. "Population Dynamics of Agrarianism in Traditional China." In Modern Chinese Economic History. Edited by Hou Chi-ming and Yu Tzong-shian. Taibei: The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 1979. Fei, John C. H., and Liu, Ts'ui-jung. "The Growth and Decline of Chinese Family Clans." The Journal of Interdisciplinary History vol. XII, no. 3 (Winter 1982):375-408. Feng, Zhisi. "Tang Song yilai Oerduosi diqu renkou bianhua" (Population Changes in the Ordos Since the Tang and Song). Neimenggu ribao (July 5, 1982): ? Fu, Kedong. "Baqi huji zhidu chutan" (A Preliminary Study of the Eight Banner Household Registration System) Minzu yanjiu (Ethnic Studies) no. 6 (1983):34-43. 14 Fu, Zhufu. "Renkou yinsu dui zhongguo shehui j ingj i j iegou de xingcheng he fazhan suo shengchan de zhongda wenti" (The Population Problem and the Formation and Development of the Social and Economic Structure of China). Zhong guo shehiu jingji shi yanjiu (Research on the Social and Economic History of China) 3 (1982): 1-13. Gao, Qingfeng. Zhong guo lidai renkou tongji (Statistics on China's Historic Population). Chinese Peoples University, 1978. Gao, Shulin. ''Yuandai Hebei renkou chutan" (A Preliminary Analysis of the Population of Hebei During the Yuan). Hebei daxue xuebao no. 1 (1984): ? Gao, Yawei. "Sanguo shi renkou yu dushi de nanyi" (The Southward Movement of Population and Cities During the Three Kingdoms). Z hongf a daxue yuekan 2.3 (1936): ? Ge, Jianxiong. "Xihan renkou kao" (An Analysis of Western Han Population). Zhong guo shi yanjiu no. 4 (1981):135-153. Ge, Jianxiong. "Qin Han de shangji he shangji li" (Government Accounts and the 'Official-Who-Hands-Up-Accounts' During the Qin and Han Dynasties) Zhonghua wenshi luncong 2 (1982):181-200. Ge. Jianxiong. "Lue1un woguo fengjian shehui ge jieji renkou zengzhang de bu pingheng xing" (The Uneven Development of Chinese Population by Feudal Class). Lishi yanjiu no. 6 (1982):10-19. Ge, Jianxiong. "Han Wudi shi hukou jianban kaoshi" (An Assessement of the 'Decline' in Population During the Reign of Han Wudi) Xueshu yuekan (Academic Monthly) 9 (1983):70-74., Ge, Jianxiong. "Xihan renkou dili" (The Population Geography of the Western Han Empire) Baike zhishi 4 (1984):20-25. Ge. Jianxiong. "Xihan shiqi xibei diqu de renkou qianyi" (The Settlement of Northwest China during the Western Han) Zhonghua wenshi luncong 1 (1984):243-264. Ge. Jianxiong. "Han Wudi ximin kuaiji shuo zhengwu" {An Assessment of the Settlement of Kuaiji [the lower Yangzi River Valley} by Han wudi) Zhong guo lishi di1i (Historical Geography of China) 3 (1984): 152-159. Ge. Jianxiong. "Xihan hukou zuisheng nianfen zhi yi" (Doubts About the Chronology of the Rise in Population During the Western Han). Fudan daxue xuebao { ? ):146-148. 15 Gu, Feng. "Liang Fangzhong tan zhongguo fengjian shehui renkou guilu wenti" (Liang Fangzhong Talks on the Structural Problems of China's Feudal Population). Guangming ribao (May 13, 1962): 1 Gu, Jiangrui. "Jiangsu sheng jin sanbai nian renkou bianhua de fenxi" (An Analysis of the Changes in the Population of Jiangsu Province Over the Last Three Hundred Years). Nanjing shifan xueyuan no. 4 (1981): 1 Guan, Donggui. "Zhanguo zhi Hanchu de renkou bianqian" (Population Movement from the Warring States to the Early Han). Lishi yuyan yaniiu .!!!!1. jikan 50, no. 4 (1979) :645-656. Guo, Dun. "Cong Nan Bei chao de hukou xingtai kan sui de tongyi" (Population Structures of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui Reunification). Lishi jiaoxue no. 1 (1955): 1 Guo, Songyi. "Qingchu renkou tongji zhong de yixie wenti" (Some Questions on the Population Statistics of the Early Qing). Qingshi luncong 2 (1982):66-87. Guo, Songyi. "Qingdai de renkou zengzhang he renkou liuqian" (On the Rise in Population and Population Movement During the Qing). Qingshi luncong no. 5 (1984): 1 Guo, Yuqing. "Qiantan Qingdai de renkou zengzhang" (On the Rise in Population. During the Qing). Jin xi tan no. 1 (1982): ? Han, Guopan. "Guanyu tu1ufan chutu de tangdai Xizhou huji canjuan zhong de jige wenti" (A Few Problems of the Incomplete Manuscripts of the Household Register in Xizhou During the Tang Dynasty). Zhongguo shehui jingii shi yaniiu no. 2 (1983):57-67. Han, Lianqi. "Handai de huj i yu shangj i zhidu" (Han Household Records and the Reporting System). Wenshizhe no. 3 (1978):1 Hanley, Susan B., and Wolf, Arthur P. Family and Population in East Asian History. Stanford University Press, 1985. Harrell, Steven. "The Rich Get Children: Segmentation, Stratification, and Population in Three Chekiang Lineages, 1550- 1850." In Susan B. Hanley and Arthur P. Wolf, ed., Family and Population in East Asian History, Stanford University Press, 1985. Hartwell, Robert M. "Demographic, Political and Social Transformations of China, 750-1550." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 42, no. 2 {December 1982):365-482. 16 He, Yeheng. "Erqian nianJ un de Hunan renkou" (The Population of Hunan Province Over Two Thousand Years). Xiangtan daxue xuebao no. 1 (1984): ? He, Zhongli. "Songdai hubu renkou tongji wenti de zai tantao" (Further Discussion of the Problem of Song Bureau of Revenue Population Statistics). Songshi lunji (Collected Essays in Song History): 37-62. He, Ziquan. ''Hanmo Jinchu j ian de nianshu he hukou shu" (Chronology and Population from the Late Han Through the Early Jin). Guangming ribao (May 5, 1951): ? Ho, Ping-ti. Studies ~ the Population of China. 1368-1953. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1959. Ho, Ping-ti. "An Estimate of the Total Population of Sung-Chin China." Etudes Song: Demographie (Paris, 1970):34-53; translated as "Song Jin Shidai Zhongguo renkou zongshu de guji." Zhongguo shi yanjiu dongtai no. 5 (1980): ? Hu, Guowen. "Lun Qingdai de renkou pengzhang" (Qing Population Inflation). Donghua shifan daxue xuebao no. 2 (1984): ? Hu, Qichuang. "Zhongguo gudai de renkou zhengce he renkou sixiang" (Population Policy and Demographic Thought in Ancient China). Jingji yanjiu (Economic Research) 1 (1981):72-78. Hu, Rulei. "Tangdai de kehu shi shemma ren" (Who Were the Tang Guest Households). Lishi jiaoxue no. 8 (1965): ? Hu, Yiya. "Hong Liangji renkou xueshuo shuping" (A Critique of the Population Essays by Hong Liangji). Dongbei shida xuebao no. 3 (1980): ? Hua, Shan. "Guanyu Songdai de kehu wenti" (On the Guest Households of the Song). Songshi lunji (Essays on Song History), Jinan: Qilu, 1982:30-48. Hua, Shan. "Zailun Songdai kehu de shenfen wenti" (New thoughts on the Status of Guest households of the Song), Songshi lunji (Essays on Song History) Jinan: Qilu, 1982:49-54. Huang, Shengzhang. "Tangdai hukou de fenbu yu bianqian" (The Increase and Spread of Population in the Tang Dynasty). Lishi yanjiu (Historical Research) 6 (1980):91-108. Ikeda. On. "Tang Household Registers and Related Documents." In Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett eds. Perspectives ~ the Tang. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973. pp. 121-150. 17 Jiang, Dexue. "Qingchu Guizhou renkou kao" (The Population of Guizhou Province During the Early Qing). Guizhou shehui kexue no. 4 (1982): 50-54. Jiang, Dexue. "Shilun Qingdai Guizhou de yimin" (A Preliminary Discussion of Guizhou's Immigrants During the Qing). Renkou yanjiu (Population Research) (1983):34-40. Jiang, Fuya. "Cong hukou biandong kan Shu Han shiqi Ba Shu diqu de dizhu jingji" (The Regional Economy of the Ba and Shu Area As Reflected by the Changes in Population During the Shuhan Period). Beijing shifan xueyuan xuebao no. 2 (1978): ? Jiang, Yingliang. "Mingdai waidi yimin jinru Yunnan kao" (An Analysis of Out-of-Province Immigration into Yunnan During the Ming). Yunnan daxue xueshu lunwenji (An anthology of scholarly articles from Yunnan University) 2 (April 1963):1-33. Jin, Haipeng. "Zhongguo renkou sixiang shihua--ban fengjian ban zhimindi shiqi de renkou sixiang" (A History of Chinese Population Theory--The Semifeudal, Semicolonial Period). Renkou'yy' Hng ji no. 1 (1982): ? Jing. Han. "Liang Han de hukou" (Han Population). Shixue yuekan no. 4 (1960):37-39. Lao, Gan. "Lianghan junguo mianji zhi gUJ1 yu renshu zengjian zhi tuize" (An Estimate of Population Increase and Cultivated Area During the Han). Lishi yuyan yanjiu ..!!.Y.Q. Hkan 5.2 (1935): ? Lee, James. "Migration and Expansion in Chinese History." In l!!!!!!!!!. Migration: Patterns and Policies. Edited by William H. McNeill and Ruth S. Adams. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 20- 47, 1978. Lee, James. "Food Supply and Population Growth in Southwest China, 1250-1850." The Journal of Asian Studies 41 no. 4 (August 1982): 711-46. Lee. James. "The Legacy of Immigration in Southwest China, 1250-1850." Annales ~ demographie historigue, (1982):279-304. Lee, James. "Chonglun xi'nan yimin shi" (A New History of Immigration to Southwest China). Lishi yanjiu (Historical Research) (1983):? Lee, James, and Clayhold, Jeff. "Chinese Sources on Population History, 1700-1900." Annales de demographie historique (1983):? 18 Lee, James. "Shilun Ming Qing shiqi xi'nan diqu renkou shi" (The Population History of Southwest China During the Ming and Qing). Qingshi luncong (Essays in Qing History) 5 (1984): ? Lee, James, and Eng, Robert. "Population and Family History in Eighteenth Century Manchuria: Preliminary Results from Daoyi 1774-1798." Ch'ing-shih wen-t'i 5, no. 1 (1984):1-55. Li, Baogui. "Songdai renkou tongji wenti yanjiu" (Research on Song Population Statistics). Beijing daxue xuebao no. 4 (1982):66-76. Li, Deqing. "Suidai hukou de jige wenti" (Problems of Sui Population History) Xueshu yuekan (Academic Monthly) no. 10 (1982):45-52. Li, Deqing. "Songdai nukou kaobian" (A Textual Research on the Women's Census Register of the Song Dynasty). Lishi yanjiu (Historical Research) 6 (1983):115-124. Li, Guoqi. "Qingmo Minchu Min Zhej iang diqu renkou yu dushihua de yanjiu" (Population and Urbanization in the Area of Fukien, Chekiang and Taiwan, 1866-1916). Lishi xuebao (Bulletin of Historical Research) 5 (April 1977):489-522. Li, Guoqi. "You Su Zhe Lianghu Sichuan ji Min Yue qisheng dushi renkou zhuangtai lun Qingmo minchu woguo nanfang zhusheng de dushihua xiangxiang" {Urbanization in Seven Provinces (Jiangsu, Zhej iang, Hunan, Hubei. Sichuan, Fujian, and Guangdong during the Late Qing and Early Republic) International Conference ~ Sino logy. Taibei, (1981): 1505-1540. Li, Shanming, and Zhou, Chengqi. ''Hanfei d.e renkou SLXl.ang yu Malthus de renkou lun" (The Population Theories of Han Feizi and Malthus' Essay on Population). Guizhou shehui ~ no. 1 (1981):25-29. Li, Xingsheng. "Qingchu Huren j i qi dui Heilongj iang diqu kaifa di gongxian" (Early Qing Immigrants and Their Contribution to the Development of Heilongjiang), Xeuxi ~~ no. 5 (1980): ? Li, Xun. "Shilun Mingdai Humin wend" (A Preliminary Discussion of the Problem of Vagrancy During the Ming). Shehui kexue jikan no. 3 (1980): ? Li, Zhiqin. "Xi'an gudai hukou shumu pingyi" (An Appraisal of the Recorded Population of Ancient Xian). Xibei daxue xuebao no. 2 (1984):45-51. Liang, Fangzhong. "Mingdai hukou tiandi j i tianfu tongj i" (Ming Statistics on Population, Cultivated Land, and Land Tax). Zhong guo jindai jing ji s hi yan jiu jikan 3.1 (I 93 5): ? 19 Liang, Fangzhong. "Zhongguo lidai hukou tiandi tianfu tongj i yuanli (xu)" (Principles of Chinese Statistics on Population Cultivated Land and Land Tax: Part One). Xueshu yanjiu no. 1 (1962): ? Liang, Fangzhong. "Zhong guo lidai hukou tiandi tianfu tongj i yuanli (xu)" (Principles of Chinese Statistics on Population Cultivated Land and Land Tax: Part Two). Xueshu yan jiu no. 2 (I 980): ? Liang, Fangzhong. Zhongguo lidai hukou tiandi tianfu tongji (Statistics on China's historic population, cultivated land and land tax). Shanghai: Renmin, 1980. Lin, Gang. "Nongye luohou shi woguo renkou xunsu zengjia de genben yuanyin" (The Major Cause of China's Rapid Population Growth Is Our Underdeveloped Agriculture). Renkou yanjiu no. 1 (1981): ? Lin, Liping. "Tangdai houqi de renkou nanqian ji yingxiang" (The Southward Migration of Population During the Late Tang and Its Effects). Jianghan 1untan no. 9 (1983): ? Lin, Renchuan, and Wang, Puhua. "Qingdai Fujian renkou xiang Taiwan de liudong" (Population Movement from Fujian to Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty). Lishi yanjiu (Historical Research) 2 (1983):130-146. Lin, Zhengqiu. "Nan Song ducheng Lin'an renkou shu kaosuo" (An Analysis of the Registered Population of Lin'an, the Capital of the Southern Song), Hangzhou daxue xuebao no. 1 and no. 2 (1979): 147-157. Liu, Bingren. "Lianghan renkou yu shiliang zhengce" (Population and Food Policy During the Han). Yugong 7.1-7.3 (1937): ? Liu, Hanruo. "Dongbei renkou shi chutan" (A Preliminary Look at the Population History of the Northeast). Xuexi ~ tansuo no. 6 (1983): 83-92. Liu, Min. "Fujian Ming Qing shiqi de renkou zengzhang sudu yu renkou ziran goucheng" (The Rate of Population Increase in Fujian During the Ming and Qing). Fujian 1uncong no. 5 (1981): ? Liu, Paul K. C., and Huang, Kuo-shu. "Population Change and Economic Development in Mainland China since 1400." In Chi-ming Hou and Tzong-shian Yu, ed., Modern Chinese Economic History. Taipei: Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 1979. Liu, Ts'ui-jung. "Chinese Genealogies as a Source for the Study of Historical Demography." Studies and Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee ~ Academia Sinica (June 1978):849-870. 20 Liu, Ts'ui-jung. "The Demographic Dynamics of Some Clans in the Lower Yangtze Area, ca. 1400-1900." Academia Economic Papers 9, no. 1 (March 1981):115-160. Liu, Ts'ui-jung. "Ming Qing renkou shi zengzhi yu qianyi" (The Growth and Migration of Population During the Ming and Qing) Zhongguo shehui jingii shi yantao hui lunwenii (Papers from the Seminar on Chinese Social and Economic History) (Taibei, Center for Chinese Studies, 1983):283-316. Liu, Ts'ui-jung. "The Demography of Two Chinese Clans in Hsiaoshan, Chekiang, 1650-1850." In Susan B. Hanley and Arthur P. Wolf, eds., Family and Population in ~ Asian History, Stanford University Press, 1985. Liu, Yingjie. "Gansu diqu yuangu zhi Qin Han renkou bianxi" (An Analysis of the Population of Gansu from Ancient Times Through the Qin and Han). Xibei renkou no. 3 (1982): ? Lu, Shih-Ch'iang. "Jindai Sichuan renkou midu yu renkou yaH de fenbu" (An Analysis of Population Pressure and Density in Szechuan Province During the Ch'ing and Republican Period). Lishi xuebao (Bulletin of Historical Research) 5 (April 1977):423-446. Luo, Ergang. "Taiping Tianguo geming qian de renkou yapo wenti" (Population Pressure Before the Taiping Revolution). Zhongguo ;indai shehui jingji shi lunji no. ? (1971): ? Ma, Xiaohe. "Qingdai qianqi renkou shuzi kanwu" (Corrections of Early Qing Population Figures). Fudan xuebao (Fudan Journal) 1 (1980): 78-82. Ma, Yuancai. "Qin Han shidai di renkou ji tudi fenpei zhuangkuang" (The Population and Land Distribution During the Qin and Han). Shihuo 3.3 (1936): ? Miao, Lue. "Guanyu Nanchao Hanren taowang shaoshu minzu diqu de wenti" (On the Migration of Han Chinese into Minority Areas During the Southern Dynasties). Guangming ribao (April 25, 1957): ? Miao, Zhenpeng, and Wang, Shoujia. "Yehtan Mingchu hukou de shengxiang" (A Reappraisal of the Rise and Fall of Population During the Early Ming). Wenshizhe no. 6 (1980):49-54. Miao, Zhenpeng. and Wang, Shoujia. "Shilun ban zhimindi ban fengjian shehui shiqi zhongguo renkou wenti" (Problems of Chinese PopUlation During the Period of Semi-Feudalism and Semi-Colonialism). Zhongguo ;ingji shi yanjiu no. 2 (1982): ? 21 Min, Zongduan. "Qingdai qianqi renkou tongji wenti yanjiu" (Research on Early Qing Population Statistics). ~~ jingji no. 4 (1983):68-69. Min, Zongduan. "Xianfeng yuannian de zhongguo renkou-guanyu woguo lishi shang renkou de zui gao shu yige kaozheng" (The Population of China in 1851 - An Analysis of the Largest Recorded Population Figure in Chinese History). Nongshi yanjiu no. 1 (1983): ? Mu, Zhaoqing. "Liang Song huji zhidu wenti" (Problems of the Song Population System). Lishi yanjiu no. 1 (1982):147-157. Ni, Jianglin. "Qingdai qianqi renkou tongji wenti yanjiu" (Research on Early Qing PopUlation Statistics). Renkou ~ jingji no. 4 (1983): ? Ning, Ke. "Shilun Zhongguo fengjian shehui de renkou wend" (On the Population Problem of Chinese Fedual Society). 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