Published March 1, 2009 | Published
Journal Article Open

Using the Path Code for Modeling Gradual SEP Events in the Inner Heliosphere

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We model a gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) event that occurred on 2001 September 29, and was possibly caused by a coronal mass ejection related shock. A computer code PATH (particle acceleration and transport in the heliosphere) was tuned to simulate this event. The model includes local particle injection at an evolving quasi-parallel shock, first-order Fermi acceleration at the shock, and self-consistent excitation of MHD waves to enhance particle scattering, particle trapping, and escape from the shock complex, and transport in the inner heliosphere up to several AU. The shock and solar wind boundary conditions are derived from Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) observations at 1 AU, which are then extrapolated to 0.1 AU. Modeled time-dependent spectra for energetic protons, iron, and oxygen ions are compared with ULEIS and SIS measurements onboard ACE, and with GOES-8 data. The use of the PATH code to model gradual SEP events superimposed on a pre-event background from previous SEPs is discussed.

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© 2009 The American Astronomical Society. Received 2007 October 8; accepted 2008 November 21; published 2009 March 3. The authors acknowledge the partial support of NASA grants NNG04GF83G, NNG05GH38G, NNG05GM62G, a Cluster University of Delaware subcontract BART372159/ SG, and NSF grants ATM0317509, and ATM0428880. We thank the ACE ULEIS, SIS, EPAM, and SWEPAM teams and the ACE Science Center for providing the ACE data. We are also grateful for the availability of GOES-8 data from NOAA at The work at Caltech was supported by NASA under grants NAG5-12929 and NNX06AC21G. We would like to thank the referee for valuable comments.

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