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The Geology of a Portion of the Mint Canyon Region


Dawson, Charles Alexander (1935) The Geology of a Portion of the Mint Canyon Region. Bachelor's thesis, California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/4SSV-C055.


The region considered in this report is shown on the north-west portion of the Lang Quadrangle, (Edition of 1933, scale 1/24,000) and the north-east portion of the Humphreys Quadrangle, (Edition of 1932, scale 1/24,000). The region is approximately 45 miles north of Los Angeles and therefore lies in the Coast Range Province. The area mapped is a portion of a synclinal basin extending east-west and lying between the San Gabriel Mountains to the south and the upthrown blocks bordering the San Andreas Fault to the north. See map, fig. 1, page 2. On the map, the San Andreas Fault is well indicated by a series of roads traveling in the fault-trough, shown in the upper right-hand portion joining Sandbergs and Palmdale.

Item Type:Thesis (Bachelor's thesis)
Subject Keywords:Lang Quadrangle, Humphreys Quadrangle, Coast Range Province, San Andreas Fault
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Geological and Planetary Sciences
Major Option:Geology
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Unknown, Unknown
Thesis Committee:
  • None, None
Defense Date:1 January 1935
Additional Information:Supplemental Files Information: Geology of the Mint Canyon Region: Supplement 1 from "The geology of a portion of the Mint Canyon region" (Thesis). Geographic Location Bounding Box: -118.333 Degrees East; -118.467 Degrees West; 34.5 Degrees North; 34.417 Degrees South.
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:12142009-143804395
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URLURL TypeDescription 1 in CaltechDATA: Geology of the Mint Canyon Region
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:5441
Deposited By: Tony Diaz
Deposited On:24 Dec 2009 19:05
Last Modified:03 Oct 2019 23:43

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