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Interview with Hans G. Hornung

Hornung, Hans G. (2014) Interview with Hans G. Hornung. [Oral History]

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An interview in two sessions, June and July 2014, with Hans Georg Hornung, Clarence L. Johnson Professor of Aeronautics, emeritus, in the Division of Engineering and Applied Science. Dr. Hornung describes the origins of the German Templer Colony in Palestine and his upbringing there before and during World War II. Family moves to Templer settlement, Melbourne, Australia, 1948. He attends technical college; University of Melbourne; master’s in engineering, 1962. Researcher, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Melbourne; PhD, Imperial College, London, 1965. He recalls his academic career at the Australian National University, Canberra (1967-1980); his interest in hypersonics; building free-piston shock tunnel with Raymond Stalker. Sabbatical in Darmstadt with Ernst Becker. Seven years as director of fluid-mechanics institute of the DLR [Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt], in Göttingen. Comes to Caltech in 1987 to succeed Hans W. Liepmann as director of GALCIT [Graduate Aerospace Laboratories, California Institute of Technology]. Recalls his various aero colleagues, his work with Rocketdyne on Caltech’s T5 (successor to Canberra’s T3 shock tunnel) and Ludwieg tube, collaboration with JPL on space program, and work with graduate students Simon Sanderson and Eric Cummings. Discusses his involvement in various scientific societies and his current activities and continuing research as an emeritus professor.

Item Type:Oral History
Keywords:Engineering and applied science, aeronautics
Record Number:CaltechOH:OH_Hornung_H
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Official Citation:Hornung, Hans G. Interview by Sara Lippincott. Pasadena, California, June 23 and July 3, 2014. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives. Retrieved [supply date of retrieval] from the World Wide Web:
Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
Subjects:Subjects > Engineering
All Records
ID Code:238
Deposited By: Oral Histories Administrator
Deposited On:22 Aug 2016 20:53
Last Modified:04 Oct 2019 15:24

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