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Published February 1, 1986 | Published
Journal Article Open

Direct picosecond time resolution of unimolecular reactions initiated by local mode excitation


The concept of local mode (LM) states [1] in large molecules raises the possibilty of inducing chemical reactions from a well-defined initial state (bond-selective chemistry). The results of linewidth and energy measurements in gases, [2(a)] and low temperature solids, [2(b)] however, indicate that the relaxation times for such high energy (> 15000 cm^-1) states can be extremely short, < 1ps. Because of the lack of direct time-resolved measurements, the following fundamental questions have not been unequivocally answered: What are the homogeneous linewidths of LM states and what are the rates of energy relaxation or reaction out of these states? Over the past five years we have made several attempts to observe the picosecond dynamics of LM states. Due to the inherent difficulties associated with making these measurements, such as the very small oscillator strength (σ < 10^-23 cm^2), an extremely sensitive probing technique becomes imperative.

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© 1986 American Institute of Physics (Received 11 November 1985; accepted 21 November 1985) Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics Contribution 7326.

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