Published November 1997 | Published
Journal Article Open

Real-Time Loss Estimation as an Emergency Response Decision Support System: The Early Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment Tool (EPEDAT)

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At the time of the Northridge earthquake, a number of new technologies, including real-time availability of earthquake source data, improved loss estimation techniques, Geographic Information Systems and various satellite-based monitoring systems, were either available or under consideration as emergency management resources. The potential benefits from these technologies for earthquake hazard mitigation, response and recovery, however, were largely conceptual. One of the major lessons learned from the January 17, 1994 earthquake was that these technologies could confer significant advantages in understanding and managing a major disaster, and that their integration would contribute a significant additional increment of utility. In the two and half years since the Northridge earthquake, important strides have been taken toward the integration of relatively discrete technologies in a system which provides real-time estimates of regional damage, losses and population impacts. This paper will describe the development, operation and application of the first real-time loss estimation system to be utilized by an emergency services organization.

Additional Information

©1997 Earthquake Spectra The work performed here was supported by the U.S. Geological Survey under contract number 1434-93-G-2306 and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) under subaward number SC 320580. The support of these organizations in the development of this methodology is gratefully acknowledged. Specifically, the authors of this paper would like to thank the following individuals who helped to guide and advise the project team: Richard Andrews of OES; Carl E. Mortensen of the U.S. Geological Survey; Dave Kehrlein of OES; Professor Karen C. McNally of the University of California at Santa Cruz; Leval Lund, Consultant; and Kenneth W. Campbell and Charles R. Scawthorn of EQE International, Inc.

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