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Published November 2013 | public
Journal Article

Modeling fracture by material-point erosion


The present work is concerned with the verification and validation of an implementation of the eigenfracture scheme of Schmidt et al. (SIAM J Multiscale Model Simul 7:1237–1266, 2009) based on material-point erosion, which we refer to as eigenerosion. Eigenerosion is derived from the general eigenfracture scheme by restricting the eigendeformations in a binary sense: they can be either zero, in which case the local behavior is elastic; or they can be equal to the local displacement gradient, in which case the corresponding material neighborhood is failed, or eroded. When combined with a material-point spatial discretization, this scheme gives rise to material-point erosion, i. e., each material point can be either intact, in which case its behavior is elastic, or be completely failed—or eroded—and has no load bearing capacity. We verify the eigenerosion scheme through convergence studies for mode I fracture propagation in three-dimensional problems. By way of validation we apply the eigenerosion scheme to the simulation of combined torsion-traction experiments in aluminum-oxide bars.

Additional Information

© 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Received: 3 August 2012. Accepted: 6 November 2012. Published online: 20 November 2012. The renderings of crack surfaces presented in this paper were performed by Dr. Santiago Lombeyda and are gratefully acknowledged. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration under Award Number DE-FC52-08NA28613 through Caltech's ASC/PSAAP Center for the Predictive Modeling and Simulation of High Energy Density Dynamic Response of Materials.

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August 19, 2023
October 25, 2023