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Published November 2011 | public
Journal Article

O_2 A-band line parameters to support atmospheric remote sensing. Part II: The rare isotopologues


Frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) was employed to measure over 100 transitions in the R-branch of the b^(1)Σ^(+)_(g)←X^(3)Σ^(-)_(g) (0,0) band for the rare O_2 isotopologues. The use of ^(17)O- and ^(18)O-enriched mixtures allowed for line positions to be measured for the ^(16)O^(17)O, ^(16)O^(18)O, ^(17)O_2, ^(17)O^(18)O, and ^(18)O_2 isotopologues. Simultaneous fits to the upper and lower states were performed for each isotopologue using the FS-CRDS positions supplemented by microwave, millimeter, submillimeter, terahertz, and Raman ground state positions from the literature. Positions, line intensities, pressure broadening parameters, and collisional narrowing parameters are reported for the ^(16)O^(18)O and ^(16)O^(17)O isotopologues which are based upon the present study and our earlier FS-CRDS work (Long et al. J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 2010;111:2021 [18] and Robichaud et al. J Phys Chem A 2009;113:13089 [15]). The calculated line intensities include a term for the observed Herman–Wallis-like interaction and correct a frequency-dependent error, which is present in current spectroscopic databases.

Additional Information

© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. Received 4 May 2011; revised 1 July 2011; Accepted 12 July 2011. Available online 21 July 2011. David A. Long was supported by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship and the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Daniel K. Havey acknowledges the support of the National Research Council as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Science and Technology(NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Part of the research described in this paper was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contrac with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA). Additional support was provided by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) project,a NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) mission; the NASA Upper Atmospheric Research Program Grant NNG06GD88G and NNX09AE21G; and the NIST Greenhouse Gas Measurements and Climate Research Program. We would also like to acknowledge Dr. Mona Shahgholi for performing the described mass spectral analysis.

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